Run by the Missionaries of Christ Jesus or MCJ, an International Missionary Religious Congregation, Saint Xavier’s Higher Secondary School, Tura, a Catholic Church Institution was established in 1950 with Garo Section and in 1959 with English Section. At that time the need of the Mission in Garo Hills was the education of girls.

St. Xavier’s School is the first Mission of the Congregation of the Missionaries of Christ Jesus, Tura is remembered as having given birth to the first Indian Sister of the Congregation – Sr. Margaret M. Sangma.

St. Xavier’s School was the First English Medium School from primary up to high school which results in speedy promotion of education. Through the school, over the years, passed hundreds of boys till 6 and girls received education and became useful citizens. In the educational services and school, the students have been dealt with no distinction of caste and creed influenced to study hard, inspired them with a formation of strong moral character and discipline, a necessity for a student to become a good citizen.

St. Xavier’s School was the First English Medium School from primary up to high school which results in speedy promotion of education. Through the school, over the years, passed hundreds of boys till 6 and girls received education and became useful citizens. In the educational services and school, the students have been dealt with no distinction of caste and creed influenced to study hard, inspired them with a formation of strong moral character and discipline, a necessity for a student to become a good citizen.

In 1950, (L) Mother Maria Camino Sanz Orrio along with other sisters carried out the spadework, to establish the school on a firm footing. Mother Maria Camino Sanz Orrio was the first school Principal.


(L) Sr. Magdalena Cortes1951 – 1953
(L) St. Maria Isabel Aurusa1953 – 1957
(L) Sr. Julia Jimenez1957 – 1959
(L) Sr. Maria Teresa Villanueva1959 – 1960
(L) Sr. Conception Sagaseta1958 – 1959
(L) Sr. Blanca Hernadez1959 – 1963
(L) Sr. Conception Sagaseta1963 – 1966
Ms. Celine Pinto1966 – 1968
Ms. Joan Pinto1968 – 1969
(L) Sr. K Theresa Alappatt
Sr. Mariat Fernandez1969 – 1971
(L) Sr. Lydia Sequeira1972 – 1975
Sr. Marline Pinto1975 – 1982
Sr. Violet Fernandez1983 – 1992
Sr. Jane Fernandes1992 – 1993
Sr. Sarah John Mothi1993 – 2003
Sr. Felci Fernandes2004 – 2008
Sr. M. Rem2008 – 2016
Sr. Maria D’ Silva2017