O My God, as the beginning of this day I turn to you, my Lord and Father, who looks upon me lovingly as your child. To you I submit myself and all that is mine, that temptations, keep me from all evil. Grant me desire always what is most acceptable to you, that your will may be mine, that my will may be confirmed to yours. You alone can help me, deliver me and save me. Accept the offerings of all my thoughts, words and deeds. Grant that all my activity may be directed towards you.

  • O my God, I believe in you and all that you teach us, because you are truth itself. I believe that you are my creator and my Father my Lord and my judge. I believe that perfect happiness end and my reward, because you are always ready to help us.
  • O my God, I love you with my whole mind. with my whole heart, with my whole strength, with my whole being, because you are Goodness itself and the Fountain of all good. I love you above all things and I am ready to sacrifice everything for your love…. I desire to love all people, for the love of you. Who are the Father of us all, who make your light to shine on all your children, whether good or evil, rich or poor, exalted or humbled in condition. I pray you to bless them all and to give them all that I ask for myself.